Pecans for sale in our pecan store
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In-shell Pecans
Shelled Pecans
Todays Pecan Specials
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Knowledge Center/FAQ

What are the benefits of shipping USPS Priority?

First,  you receive your order in just a few days.  Second,  more than likely,it is the most economical method of shipping, almost always less expensive than even parcel post.  Third, the post office provides us with the boxes, tape, shipping labels...everything we need to package your order,at no charge.   This reduced our costs and enables us to sell our pecans at a better benefit directly.  We estimate that buying boxes, tape, and other shipping supplies would easily add at least a dollar to every order.  So even if parcel post or UPS might show a slightly lower rate, we would have to charge more for our pecans to cover the cost of packaging materials.

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